Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Board of Directors Meeting: Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Board of Directors Meeting
Tuesday, December 4, 2018 1130-1300
American Legion Post 1, 5400 East Yale Avenue, Denver, CO 80222

1.       Call to order – Brian MacDonald at 11:30 AM
a.       Fourteen voting board members were in attendance, making a quorum.
b.       Board members attending:
Dave Jackson           Brian MacDonald          Lou Schroeder             Tim Griesmer
Joel Martin                Sam Thiessen                 Andy Benson                Mark Frank
Tom Carroll               Chad Dalton                    Lindy Blackburn           Lee Van Horn
Cory Wroblewski    Mike Euperio                  Bob Walcott (ex officio)
c.       Two guests in attendance: Diana Gamboa, USMA ’84; Guy Higgins, USNA

2.       Secretary’s Report/Approval of Minutes – Tim Griesmer
a.       Tim Griesmer offered a verbal amendment to the draft minutes from the October 2, 2018 board meeting, changing the word “projects” to “income” in 8.b.
b.       The amended minutes from October 2, 2018 board meeting were approved 14-0.

3.       Treasurer’s Report – Dave Jackson
a.       Dave Jackson presented the draft 2019 budget, which does not currently contain estimated income.
b.       The society has two additional lifetime members.
c.       Mike Euperio requested that the board evaluate an option for calling into meetings remotely. Diana Gamboa offered to set up a remote platform for testing at the next meeting.
d.       There was a motion to approve $150 to reserve American Legion Post 1 for the 2019 board meetings. The motion passed 14-0.
e.       There was a motion to approve $700 for nametags and other supplies for Founder’s Day so that the items can be ordered immediately. The motion passed 14-0.
f.        The Treasurer’s Report was approved 14-0.
g.       Lee Van Horn is unable to replace Dave Jackson as the treasurer, however will retain signature authority on the society’s account as an emergency backup.

4.       Admissions Update – Tom Carroll
a.       Nominations are posted for CD5 and CD6.
b.       Three LOAs have been received in the WPSD area for fully qualified candidates awaiting nominations.
c.       One additional LOA was received by a recruited athlete awaiting a nomination.
d.       Offers of admission are expected to begin in January.

5.       Parents’ Club Update – Bob Walcott
a.       The All Academy Ball will be held on December 28.
b.       The Parents’ Club president extended appreciation to the WPSD for assistance with boodle boxes.

6.       Upcoming Events
a.       Army-Navy football watch parties will be held December 8 in Denver and Ft. Collins.
b.       Founder’s Day 2019: Andy Benson briefed the board on behalf of the Founder’s Day planning committee:
                                                             a.      Due to an increase in prices at the University Club, the board primarily discussed the options of either raising the price of Founder’s Day in order to break even on the event or maintain past prices and accept a loss on the event.
                                                             b.      The unofficial consensus of the board was that a slight increase in price would be acceptable with an accompanying loss overall, but the details were left to the planning committee.
                                                             c.      The committee also agreed to look at potential sponsorship as well as cost saving measures, such as eliminating appetizers.
c.       Golf Tournament: Chad Dalton
                                                             a.      2019 will be the 25th annual tournament.
                                                             b.      The tournament will be held at the USAFA Blue Course with a morning start time.
                                                             c.      Chad Dalton requested $150 to reserve the date and start the website. The motion passed 14-0.
                                                             d.      There will be no additional fundraising golf tournament in 2019, but Chad Dalton is trying to set one up for 2020.
d.       Leadership and Ethics Seminar: Joel Martin
                                                             a.      Joel Martin is coordinating with several other societies for content. BG(R) Petty is also assisting with content.
                                                             b.      The content and agenda are nearly complete, and will include: breakfast, keynote speaker, ethical decision making, vignettes, lunch, and an afternoon panel with community leaders.
                                                             c.      There are currently 67 students and 18 faculty registered.
                                                             d.      Joel Martin is working on fundraising options, including levels of sponsorship for graduates.
e.       Young Graduate Engagement: Cory Wroblewski and Mike Euperio
                                                             a.      The next young grad event is tentatively scheduled for the end of January.
                                                             b.      There was a motion to approve $100 to support the event. The motion was approved 14-0.

7.       2019 Meeting Dates
a.       January 29-Annual Planning Meeting
b.       February 19-Board Meeting
c.       May 7-Board Meeting
d.       July 9-Board Meeting
e.       October 1- Board Meeting
f.        December 3- Board Meeting

The annual planning meeting will be held January 29, 2019 at 7:00 PM, Piccolo’s Restaurant, 3563 S Monaco Pkwy, Denver, CO 80237

The meeting adjourned at 12:48 PM.
Submitted by: Tim Griesmer, ’02

Attachments: Treasurer’s Report December 4, 2018
                           Draft 2019 Budget

West Point Society of Denver
Dec 4, 2018
 Treasurer Report

Financials (bank actuals) effective 12/2/2018
Checking              $1,761.93
Savings                 $7,920.11
CD1                       $6,127.21
CD2                       $6,677.06


Accounts receivable: (effective 12/1)
Dues:                    $460.75
Earmarked Funds:

Earmarked Funds
Outreach               $0
SLE Scholarship   $0

Total                                          991
Lifetime                                     61 (+2 ~ Jim Sullivan, ’78; Diana Gamboa, ‘84)         
Active Regular Members         96       

WPSD 2019 Budget
Dec 1, 2018

proposed BUDGET 2019

$12,949 +?
Outreach Donation
Fund Raising
16,579 + ?

Gifts & Awards
Planning Meeting & Board Location
Community Service/Outreach Program
Leardership Seminar
Net Gain/Loss

Dues    44 renewals scheduled for 2019             An average of 9/mo new to the area ea. year X12 mo = 84 new / year X 40%(best guess on how many will join)= 33 new members;   Assume 1/2 sign for 1 year, 1/2 sign for 3 years.    (22+16 [renew+ new])x$25=$950; (22+16)*$60=$2280; 1 lifetime = 350  total: 950+2280+350=$3580
Interest From CD’s                      $50
Events                                     Income                                                                    Expense                  ,
Quarterly meetings:             ?                                                                                              ?
AN & Game:                            0                                                                                             300 (200 – Denver; 100 Ft Collins)
AFA Game                               0                                                                                              0
17 candidates + 3 speaker/spouse/attaché X 0$ = $0          
20 Candidate parents x $79= $1580                                      
67 paid members/guest X $79=$5293                                  
21 non-paid member / guest X $99=$2079                                          
WPPA 6x$79=$474                                                
Class 08-18  20X$69=$1380                                                   
Supplies =0                                                                              645 (435 AOG+210 Name/meal Tags)
Hotel = $0                                                                               $500
17 donations for Candidate meal=17x79=$1343                                   $0
FD Donation: 300
Photo       $0                                                                            $200                                       
= $12,449                                                                                = $14,191
Golf Tourney                           player x$?                                                                               players X $?
                                                Website                                                                                  200
                                                Prizes                                                                                      300

Picnic                                       400?                                                                                       350
Rockies                                    Net $5/person x 2 games x 10attendees/game = $100         $0                                                           
Young Grad Meetup                                                                                                               $200
Awards & Gifts                      
Funeral Flowers                                                                                                                      6 X $80 = $480.00
Trophy update                                                                                                                        $0
Pres Award                                                                                                                             $0
Friend of Society                                                                                                                     $150
Board Lunch Planning meeting                                                                                              20x25=$500
Board meeting place                                                                                                              $150
Newsletter                                                                                                                              0
Leadership or other  conf                                                                                                       $ 2000
website costs :                                                                                                        $150 – biznet good for 3 yrs (due 2019)
$100 domain & app
Business Supplies & Postage:                                                                                 $150

Community Services             
SLS Scholarship                                                                                                        $400      
College Fairs
Donations                $0                                                                            $600
Service Academy Day/Ball                                                                                    $0
Leadership & Ethic Seminar   $0                                                                            $11000 

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