Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Board of Directors Meeting: Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Board of Directors Meeting
Tuesday, October 2, 2018 1130-1300
American Legion Post 1, 5400 East Yale Avenue, Denver, CO 80222

1.       Call to order – Brian MacDonald at 11:33 AM
a.       Ten voting board members were in attendance, making a quorum.
b.       Board members attending:
Dave Jackson          Brian MacDonald          Lou Schroeder              Tim Griesmer
Joel Martin               Sam Thiessen                  Andy Benson               Steve Best
Tom Carroll              Chad Dalton
c.       One guest in attendance: Andy Gregor, USMA ‘90

2.       Secretary’s Report/Approval of Minutes – Tim Griesmer
a.       Minutes from July 10, 2018 board meeting were approved 10-0.

3.       Treasurer’s Report – Dave Jackson
a.       The current treasurer’s report does not reflect money that will be spent on the Leadership and Ethics Seminar.
b.       The board previously voted via email to approve $2,000 to be paid to the University of Denver as a deposit for the Leadership and Ethics seminar.
c.       The treasurer’s report was approved 10-0 (see attachment).

4.       Admissions Update – Tom Carroll
a.       Class of 2023:
                                                             a.      254 files open statewide (114 in WPSD area)
                                                             b.      5 LOAs in WPSD area (3 candidates nominated)
                                                             c.      5 candidates currently enrolled at USMAPS
b.       Two weeks of college fairs have been paid for.
c.       CPT Kenner will conduct a visit on Sunday, October 28.
d.       Lindy Blackburn joined the Field Force, bringing the total number of representatives in the WPSD area to approximately 20.
e.       Tom Carroll is expecting to receive information about Congressional interviews shortly.

5.       Parents’ Club Update – Brian MacDonald
a.       The parents’ club is soliciting donations for boodle boxes.
b.       Dave Jackson said that the Society should also anticipate a solicitation to support the All Academy Ball.
c.       There was a motion to donate $200 to the Parents’ Club to use as they see fit. The motion passed 9-1.

6.       AARs
a.       Young Grad Engagement Bike & Brews: there were 4 attendees. The board discussed that it might be of value to schedule a more consistent, periodic event for young grads.
                                                             a.      Joel Martin said that Levitt Pavilion offers 50 free concerts each year and this might be a good venue for young grad events.
b.       Golf Tournament:  there were approximately 70 participants, an increase of about 50%.
                                                             a.      Of the $1,000 approved by the board, only $321 was spent
                                                             b.      Chad Dalton would like to organize a charitable tournament in Denver meant to support the Leadership & Ethics Seminar and requested time at the December board meeting to discuss the event.
                                                             c.      Planning for next year’s tournament is underway for a Friday.
c.       Rockies v. Dodgers game: 15 attendees.
d.       West Point AOG Leadership Conference: Brian MacDonald and Joel Martin attended.
                                                             a.      The board was briefed on the leadership conference on subjects including current construction projects, new memorials, the returning graduate “Rockbound Highland Home” program, a new graduate link app known as “Grad Link,” changes to the cadet schedule, and the branch selection process.
                                                             b.      Joel Martin participated in the AOG board nominating committee.
                                                             c.      Brian MacDonald and Joel Martin also briefed the board on a new AOG software known as “Hive Bright,” intended to help manage rosters and event planning. They offered to be early users and to roll the new software out soon.
e.       Dave Jackson requested that the POCs for outside events take photos and send a small write-up of the event to AOG. This action will also help with points for the Distinguished Society Award.

7.       Upcoming Events
a.       Army-Air Force Football watch party: Saturday, November 3, doors open at 9:45 a.m. Brain MacDonald made a motion to spend $100 on the event. The motion passed 9-0.
b.       Army-Navy watch party: Saturday, Dec. 8 at Sports Column. Navy is in charge of the planning this year.
c.       Quarterly Dinner: the current idea for the topic of the next quarterly dinner is a West Point Construction Plan update. COL Boylan has offered a webinar for interested parties.
d.       Founder’s Day: Saturday, March 2. The Founder’s Day Planning committee will present at a future board meeting.
e.       West Point Leadership and Ethics Seminar – Joel Martin
                                                             a.      April 2, 2019 at the University of Denver.
                                                             b.      The target for attendance is 150 high school juniors. The event is currently limited to juniors.
                                                             c.      GEN(R) Casey will be the keynote speaker. There was a motion to nominate GEN(R) Casey for the Friend of West Point award. The motion passed 8-0.
                                                             d.      A google drive account for the seminar is set up.
                                                             e.      Lindy Blackburn and Tom Carroll are working to get word out to area schools.
                                                              f.      Joel Martin will need support on the day of the event.
                                                             g.      There is a fundraising effort underway to fund the seminar.

8.       New Business – Brian MacDonald
a.       Bylaws Review: Lou Schroeder said the Bylaws Review and Update committee will conduct its work over email. He is also inviting Roger Ware ’59 to join the subcommittee.
b.       Dave Jackson requested that all board members send him a list of projected income and expenses for 2019 no later than Nov. 11, 2018 so he can draft next year’s budget.
c.       Sam Thiessen announced that BG(R) Petty is publishing a new periodical called “Battle Digest.” Additionally, Sam Thiessen is attending the upcoming AUSA Conference.

The next board meeting will be held December 4, 2018 at 11:30 AM, at American Legion Post 1, 5400 East Yale Avenue, Denver CO 80222.
The meeting adjourned at 1:00 PM.
Submitted by: Tim Griesmer, ’02

Attachment: Treasurer’s Report October 2, 2018

West Point Society of Denver
October 2, 2018
Treasurer Report

Financials (bank actuals) effective 9/30/2018

Checking              $4,179.81
Savings                 $7,919.71
CD1                       $6,125.67
CD2                       $6,675.94


Accounts receivable: (effective 10/1)
Dues:                    $242.50

Earmarked Funds:

Earmarked Funds
Outreach               $0
SLE Scholarship   $0

Total                                          1069
Lifetime                                     59       
Active Regular Members         103     

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