Thursday, August 12, 2010

WPSD Board Meeting Feb 23, 2010

Call to Order

Meeeting called to order at 1132 by Sam Thiessen ‘73

Roll Call

Lindy Blackburn 69, Jay bridge 86, John Greiman 81, Dave Jackson 73, George MacDonald 46, Joel Martin 02, Bruce Miller 63, Lou Schroeder 59, Bob Walcott 78, Dan Young 94, Sam Thiessen ‘73. A quorum was present.

Review Minutes

Minutes of 26 January 2010 Planning Meeting were reviewed. A motion to approve was passed by unanimous vote.

Treasurer’s Report

Jay Bridge reviewed WPSD expenses incurred for 2009 and proposed a 2010 budget, providing handouts of these items for Board examination. Total receipts were $xxxxx

and outflows were $xxxx leaving a net surplus of $xxxx.

A discussion followed regarding the expense of the newsletter, alternative methods of sending and the issuance of an annual roster.

Founders Day – March 6, 2010

Board reviewed a list of duty assignments that had been made and directors agreed to several additional assignments. There was discussion about confusion in the website sign-up procedure. Jay Bridge assured that sign-ups were going forward as in the past, and that the numbers were running roughly the same as past years, and maybe a little ahead. John Greiman said that he would look into the internet sign-up procedures.


The following items were reported and incurred limited discussions with no motions or voting:

Admissions and WP Parents Club activities were discussed by Bob Walcott.

Programs and events, including

Tri-Service Golf Outing – Joel Martin is looking into date

Summer Leadership Seminar – Lindy Blackburn will report on this program at the next meetin

Classes/Societies Leadership Conference

Quarterly Luncheons – Conrad Netting is planned for 27 April 2010

Letter to Congressional offices offering WPSD assistance in nomination interviews – Thiessen will get out before summer.

Standing Committees – reviewed committees for update in next newsletter

By laws review committee – Schroeder has proposed committee membership and is developing an agenda.

Website update – badly need to get member access to society data.

January newsletter – Out with positive comments.

Nominating Committee for Board members – Jones is committee chair. They will submit the board nominations at Founders Day, and officer nominations at the following meeting in May.

George MacDonald 46

Secretary Pro Tem